
AISTROP (1) Armenia Minnie Spangler (2) Ayers (2) Bailey (1) Ballengee (1) Billy Joe Noble (1) Biography (1) Bond (2) Bonnie Marie Hogue (1) Bonnie Rebecca Hogue (1) BOWEN (7) Caldwell (1) Captain John Patterson (1) Clifford Noble (7) Clinton Noble (3) CONKLE (10) Conrad (3) Cora Noble (1) Daily (1) Daisy Pearl Hogue (2) Dean Walmer (1) Della Trogdon Ballengee (1) DENZEL DENT HOPTON (1) Dorothy Lovenia Walmer Noble (7) DOROTHY MAE NOBLE (1) Dorothy Noble (1) EDITH CONKLE (7) Edward S Hogue (1) Elisha Riley Williams (5) ELISHA TROGDEN (1) ELISHA TROGDON (1) ELIZABETH BOWEN (2) Evelyn Ayers Noble (3) Finis Buel Hogue (1) Fischer (1) FLOYD HENRY WALMER (12) GARDNER FLETCHER NOBLE (6) genealogy (1) George Harvey Conkle (4) George Walmer (1) Gordon (2) Grada Sue Hogue (1) Grady Lee Hogue (9) Harry Walmer (2) HEFFELFINGER (2) history (1) Hoff (1) Hogue (15) HOLLAND (8) homeschooling (1) HOPTON (1) how we are connected (1) HUGHA BOWEN (1) Hunter (1) ISOM BEECHER NOBLE I (5) ISOM BEECHER NOBLE II (11) James M Jenkins (1) James Patterson (4) JOHN JACOB CONRAD (1) John Lewis Sinks (4) JOHN M. NOBLE (1) John Pelfrey (1) John Walmer (6) Joseph Walmer (1) JOSIAH CONKLE (2) Ken Lockhart (1) kids (1) KING (1) Leek (2) Lockhart (1) LOPP (1) Loretta Mick (2) LOUISA DORCAS PELFREY (1) LOUISE PELFREY NOBLE (1) Lucy Ann Leek (2) Mahala Bond (2) Margaret Josephine Gordon (2) Margaret Lovenia Patterson (3) Margaret Lucille (3) Margaret Lucille Sinks (5) Margaret McDowell (1) Margaretta (1) Marilyn Hogue Jenkins (1) Martha Elizabeth Willis (12) Mary Ann Conrad (3) Mary Ceilia Daily (1) Mary Ellen "May" Williams (4) MARY HOFF (1) Mary Jane Heffelfinger (2) Mary MCCAUSLIN (2) MCCAUSLIN (2) McDowell (1) Mick (1) Moser (1) NANCY ROBINSON (1) newspaper (1) NOBLE (12) obituary (35) ODESSA CALERA HOGUE (1) Oliver (1) Oliver Carter Hogue (1) Ollie C Lewis (2) Opal Oliver (1) Opal Oliver Hogue (3) PARKS (1) Patterson (7) PELFREY (3) Peter Spangler (2) Peter Walmer (1) REBECCA BOWEN (6) REBECCA KING (1) Riggle Byrum Hogue (2) Robert Patterson (2) ROBINSON (1) SARAH TAULEBEE (1) scrapbooking (1) Shady Ann Manor (1) SHARASH PHAROAH TROGDON (1) Sinks (8) Spangler (3) stories (1) STRAUB (1) surnames (1) SUSAN AISTROP (1) SUSAN AMANDA "SUSIE" TROGDEN HOLLAND (3) SUSAN AMANDA "SUSIE" TROGDON HOLLAND (5) SUSAN TROGDEN HOLLAND (1) SUSAN TROGDON HOLLAND (1) SUSAN TROGDON TROGDEN (1) TAULBEE (1) Tennie Holland Noble (9) Thomas Everett Hogue (4) Thomas M. Hogue (2) TROGDEN (3) TROGDON (8) TROUT (1) Verla Virginia Hogue (1) Virginia Hunter (4) Walmer (16) Warner Dalton (1) William Holland (4) William James Hogue (14) William JAMES Holland (3) WILLIAM MARSHALL PELFREY (1) WILLIAM TROGDEN (2) WILLIAM TROGDON (3) Williams (7) Willis (2) World War II (1) Wylie Williams (2)

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Uncle Harry Walmer by Joshua Noble

I was sorry to learn that my great-great Uncle Harry Walmer passed away last night. He was 94 years old. He lived a full life and had quite a life story which I was fortunate to hear twice. He was the last of my great-grandmother's siblings. He was born on a snowy day, on a farm in Wooster, OH on October 15, 1925.

He suffered loss early on when his brother Dean (who was my great-grandmother's twin brother) was killed in an automobile related accident. 

He was drafted during WWII and did well in boot camp. He was raised on fruits and vegetables and was considered to be in perfect health. He was training to be a pilot, but they decided to send him overseas as a ball turret gunner instead. It was the RMS Aquitania which took him to England. He flew in B-17 Flying Fortress bombers on missions over Nazi occupied territories. He was unable to wear a parachute because there was no room for it in the ball turret. After 5 or 6 missions watching his buddies getting shot and blown up out of the sky and seeing unimaginable horrors, he decided to give his life to Jesus Christ. He continued serving for the duration of the war including providing air support for the Americans during the Battle of the Bulge. There was one moment where a crew member passing by Harry accidentally knocked off his mask.  Harry didn't realize it and if he'd continued for a few minutes like that, he would have died. Thankfully, the man upon returning forward noticed it and pointed it out to Harry. In all, he completed 27 missions. The Queen Elizabeth brought him home. He remembered liking the Queen Elizabeth better because the Aquitania had hammocks for the troops to sleep on while the Queen Elizabeth had actual beds. Afterwards, he decided to become a minister. 

He served as a pastor in multiple states throughout his time in the ministry. He was married to our Aunt Mickey and had 4 children. In 2014, he was flown to Washington DC as part of an Honor Flight to visit the different sites including the WWII memorial. Even in his 80s and 90s, he kept a sharp and witty mind. As we celebrate freedom, please think of him and others like him who served and sacrificed for the freedoms that we enjoy today.

Harry Walmer Obituary

OCTOBER 15, 1925 – JULY 2, 2020
Dr. Harry E. Walmer, 94, went to be with the Lord he loved and served, on July 2, 2020. He was born October 15, 1925, to Floyd and Edith Conkle Walmer in Wooster, Ohio.
Dr. Walmer was a veteran of World War II where he served as a gunner on a B17 bomber, completing many successful missions. He graduated from Bob Jones University in 1949, and in 1950 married Loretta Mick of Bridgeton, NJ. Together they worked in mission ministries until he became pastor of Calvary Community Church of Statesville, NC, where he served for 15 years. In 1970 he and his family moved to Greenville, SC, where he completed his PhD in Christian Education. As a member of Hampton Park Baptist Church, he became president of the Men for Missions organization and devotedly helped the cause of missions in the church and throughout the world for 28 years.
He is survived by his wife; four children, Brenda (Rodney) Edwards of Greer, SC, Timothy (Sherri) Walmer of Hiram, GA, Mark (Debbie) Walmer, of Chandler, AZ, and John (Marilee) Walmer of Taylors, SC; five grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to Bob Jones University for the School of Health Professions Building, 1700 Wade Hampton Boulevard, Greenville, SC, 29614 or to Miracle Hill Ministries, P.O. Box 2546, Greenville, SC, 29602.
His funeral will be held at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 9, at Hampton Park Baptist Church with viewing beginning at 10:45 a.m. The private burial will be at M.J. “Dolly” Cooper Veterans Cemetery in Anderson, SC.

·    Michael Edwards, Honorary Pallbearer
·    David Edwards, Honorary Pallbearer
·    Matthew Walmer, Honorary Pallbearer
·    John Dodd, Honorary Pallbearer
·    Koas Leenman, Honorary Pallbearer
·    Harry Sandlin, Honorary Pallbearer
·    Ray Shaffer, Honorary Pallbearer
·    Richard Thompson, Honorary Pallbearer
·    George Wilson, Honorary Pallbearer